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Breathe HR

Dunwoody HR Consulting are a Certified Partner for Breathe HR.  Not sure what that is?  Breathe HR is an affordable, user-friendly admin software system that helps you manage your people.  Please explore the features menu and video below and if you’d like to find out how it can help you and your business, please do get in touch.

Kellie Chandler Dunwoody HR

“We had a very clunky and hard to navigate HR software package that was complicated to use and didn’t deliver what we needed. We are so grateful to Kellie for recommending BREATHE HR. It truly has allowed us to save vast amounts of administration time but not only that, it is now an excellent go to tool that the whole team can use, from recording leave to tracking objectives, logging 121 conversations to housing all the organisation's policies. It truly is a breath of fresh air. I highly recommend it.” 

Claire, Wiltshire Air Ambulance

Request a demonstration of Breathe HR